Jan, 25 2022
Feb, 13 2022 (last updated)
My name is Brad. I’m a Texas native currently living in San Antonio. I’m 46 years old. In October of 2020, I set
a goal to own 54 rental properties, or doors, by the time I’m 54. 54doors.com is the record of my journey.
In December of 2020, I purchased my first real estate investment. Door 1 is a 3/1 with the potential for an
efficiency in back. It is currently occupied by my son while he attends college full time. My son needing a place to
live was the driver for this first purchase and my catalyst for getting into real estate investing. I’m counting
the efficiency as door 1.5 until I can get it fixed up and in service. This is where I stand today. 1.5 of 54 doors.
2022 will be the year door 1.5 (the efficiency) gets overhauled and put in service as door 2. The goal is to have it ready
for the fall 2022 semester. I have 2 daughters that also attend college who need a place to live starting in June of 2022.
I’m currently looking for a property for them. The goal is to end 2022 with 3 doors in service.
Click the tally mark groups below for more details on my doors. Groups with one or more tally marks filled in will contain
information about the purchases and rental onboarding activities for the doors within those groups. At a minimum, all tally
mark groups have a landing page containing target acquisition dates for doors within those groups.